The Right Pool Safety Fencing to Protect Your Loved Ones
As a pool fence manufacturer, we worked with numerous pool safety committees to ensure the best safety product for your home pool. To solidify ourselves as an industry leader, we also have dedicated time to write numerous articles and tips on pool safety and pool fencing. Being a pool fencing company, we maintain a high standard of safety with not only fencing, but swimming pool nets and pool covers to make pools safe for kids. It is not a slogan; it is our way of life.
Having spent years in the pool fencing business, Pool Guard knows that it is crucial for parents and families to have confidence that they are investing in the most reliable pool safety fence available. Pool Guard offers that confidence by using the best materials available to ensure your child's safety.
Whether you want a professional installation by an authorized Pool Guard partner, or you're a swimming pool contractor looking for a pool fence supplier, Pool Guard Manufacturing is a great solution to your pool fencing needs.
Each product offers a unique solution to every family. Pool Guard is more than just a pool fencing business, we offer multiple solutions so that families can decide which system will offer the best security solution for your needs. More than just a pool fence manufacturer, Pool Guard encourages families to consider carefully the advantages of all of our products.

The Pool Guard Advantage
Pool Guard is a global company with its corporate headquarters based in Clearwater, Florida. We have over 90 dealers in the U.S and around the world to provide the quality of products and service you deserve.We have over 20 years' experience and offer the strongest, safest, and most attractive pool safety products available. Pool Guard has been a leader in the pool safety industry for well over two decades. We believe strongly that you should be able to enjoy your swimming pool without worry.
You can feel confident that when you install a Pool Guard pool products that you are investing in the most reliable and proven pool safety system available. Pool Guard™ swimming pool fences, pool nets, and pool safety covers are manufactured with the highest quality materials available today, giving you the safest swimming pool barrier to prevent accidental drowning. Professionally installed by an authorized Pool Guard™ pool safety dealer, our products will give you years of swimming pool enjoyment and safety. All of our authorized dealers of Pool Guard pool safety products understand the trust you have placed in them to help protect your family and will not let any detail go unnoticed. Pool Guard is a member of the Better Business Bureau and has maintained the highest rating possible, an A plus.

Pool Net FAQ
Pool Guard Safety Nets offer you two options, pool nets and safety pool fences. Given the correct information, customers can make the choice best suited to their need for safety. The Net has some unique options. The first of course is complete safety when properly installed. Second, you will not compromise your view, i.e. golf courses, bays, rivers, woods etc. Third there are many pools the net may be the only option. Negative edge pools, rock decorations, waterfalls, most large pools built in the last five years are sometimes without a deck area that extends around the pool. There are several applications available, Pool Guard Pool Net Inc. will explain your options and help you decide which product will give you the best protection for your pool area.
The mesh is manufactured on a strong high density polyethylene. ASTM requires all pool nets and covers to support 485 lbs. Pool Guard Safety Net Inc mesh complies with this standard and has been tested to 500 lbs of pressure.
Pool Guard Safety Nets uses a series of pulleys, located in the center of the net, which is pulled together with a control line, using a ratchet pulley that is capable of pulling 350 lbs with very little effort. This system will place enough tension to tighten the net to hold 485 lbs of weight.
Will the Pool Net allow the use of a Pool Vacuum?
Yes. The pool net is suspended above the pool's water when proper tension is applied. There are some applications where tech pool has a negative edge and requires the pool net to be stretched over the area, this may effect the pool vacuum.
We provide a step by step guide that will enable you to remove the net and roll it up for storage - usually 10 minutes to remove - and 10 minutes to re-install using the step by step guide
Do I need to remove the pool net to place chemicals in the water?
The pool net allows customers to use a small funnel so as not to spill or place chemicals directly on the pool net - using care one should be able to test and place chemicals in the pool with the pool net in place.
We have performed several installations to fish ponds, rock garden ponds, pits, and many more applications that include various features.
Will the pool net spoil my view or interfere with any rock features or waterfalls?
Pool Guard Safety Nets do not restrict your view and allows you to see your pool area, as to not interfere with your rock design or waterfall. The pool net will accommodate difficult pool designs. Pool Nets can be installed regardless of: ponds fish ponds rock gardens pools with waterfalls negative edge pools and much more
Our pool has a difficult design
Pool Guard Safety Net, Inc can accommodate all shapes and sizes of pools. We have installed many difficult shapes and with great success and always with safety in mind, should we be unable to cover the pool we can install a safety fence - we offer both options.
How is the pool net secured to my pool deck?
Pool Guard Safety Net uses a flush mounted anchor that is virtually invisible should the net be removed. These anchors remain so re-installation is easily accomplished.
Should a child fall or walk on the pool net, it will support them. Always maintain proper tension and make sure the pool net is in good condition. The weave of the pool net's mesh will allow the child to recover and crawl back to the pool deck. The net size will not allow a child to reach the water, and make it difficult for them to walk on the pool net. They are soon discouraged from doing so, due largely to the design of a net, not being on a solid surface.
Can a small child remove the pool net?
When the pool net is properly tensioned and the ratchet pulley is removed, the net is difficult to remove the clips that secure the to the pool deck. There is a good deal of pressure on them.

In our quest for excellence, we place great emphasis on obtaining quality suppliers and maintaining strict quality control guidelines in our manufacturing process. Our team inspects all raw materials and products at each stage of manufacturing to ensure the best quality and consistency for your family.
While most states do not require product testing, we feel that it is important to ensure performance standards are used in the industry to ensure safety standards are met for consumers. Our pool fencing, pool nets and pool covers not only meet but exceed national and international specifications as well as customer specifications for swimming pool use. Pool Guard also provides third party certification from various testing agencies.

Pool Guard’s Pool Fence Product Certification to exceed ASTM F2286-05 Standards
This specification was developed by the consumer product safety commission and outlines the performance and design requirements for removable mesh safety barriers used for barriers for swimming pools, hot tubs, and spas to reduce the incidence of injuries or death for infants and children up to and including five years of age.

Pool Guard’s Pool Fence Product Certification to NF P 90-306
This specification was introduced in France and is now required in many countries in Europe. This specification outlines elements of protection for in ground swimming pools, the use of protection barriers and safety requirements and test methods.

Pool Guard’s Pool Safety Net Product Certification to ASTM F1346-91
This standard covers performance specification for pool safety covers and labeling requirements for all pool covers for swimming pools, spas and hot tubs.